
Engineering Softwares Not Available On Mac

Engineering Softwares Not Available On Mac 4,5/5 4468 votes

CAD software for engineering tends towards specialization— the tools you've mentioned are all pretty specialized. The dominance of Windows as a development platform coupled with the relatively small size of individual Engineering markets (which ar. Mainly 3D modelling software like Solidworks and AutoCAD. You might need other softwares like MATLAB and stuff. Make sure you have Boot camp in your Mac since solidworks is not compatible in Mac OS. Generally Mac is discouraged in ME but with boot camp you can overcome the limitations.

I have no experience with these kind of softwares, but I can imagine you will not find all equivalent in Mac OS X environment.
However, the option to use a virtual machine (running XP) on a Macbook Pro is a very valid one. Parallels is not the only option. Bootcamp, VM Ware Fusion are others.
Running XP in addition to Mac OS X can indeed reduce a little bit the performance, especially for intesive graphics. But you still have the option to boot the whole macbook in XP when you need the more demanding applications.

Engineering Softwares Not Available On Mac Windows 10

Apr 28, 2008 4:32 AM

Outlook app not logging in for mac. (If I send an email directly from within Hubspot it does track the opens).As per PaulLoading's suggestion, I contacted Microsoft to be sure that my O365 is working through Exchange (and not IMAP), which it is.Any other ideas? The add-in is tracking my send and response emails. Is my experience a known issue? But it is not tracking when someone opens. I can see the email added to the bcc.