
Family Genealogy Software For Mac

Family Genealogy Software For Mac 3,6/5 3527 votes

MacFamilyTree 9 - Genealogy for Mac Discover and experience your personal family history, explore your origins, your ancestors, and how your family has evolved over the course of time. MacFamilyTree 9 offers you a wide range of options to capture and visualize your family history. Free family tree program. Looking for a free family tree software? Download for free HEREDIS for Windows and Mac for your research and your family trees. HEREDIS is the software of reference in the world of family tree. Whether amateur or professional, you will not exhaust the many possibilities offered by the software.

Part 1

1. MacFamily Tree

Features and functions:

· This is efficient free genealogy software for Mac which not only lets you create family trees but also search online for family history.

· It gives 3D representation of your family tree and has a slick interface.

· It also allows you to publish your family tree on the web with iCloud.

Pros of MacFamily tree

· The software makes it very easy to build family trees and has a clean interface.

· It enables you to search for your family history and trace lineage online and this is one of its best feature.

· You can also publish or post the family tree online and share it with your other family members.

Cons of MacFamily tree

Volumes searchoffers searchoffers app contents macos searchoffers The fact that it's in /Volumes raises the possibility that it's in a mounted disk image, which might have to be unmounted rather than deleted. Use the command diskutil list to see if that's the case. If it shows up as a mounted volume, use diskutil unmount /Volumes/SearchOffers.Then delete whatever.dmg file it was mounted from. If it's not a mounted volume, just do this.

· MacFamily tree tends to struggle when used with large files and this is one of its negative points.

· It doesn’t offer the search or interaction possibilities the way other such programs do.

· It can prove to be very buggy.

User comments/reviews:

1. I am a bit of a beginner and found it a little hard at the start but didn't have any problem importing a GEDCOM of a family tree.

2. Generally easy to use. Visually pleasing interface.

3. Very nice visually, easy to use. Can support large number of entry.


Editor's Overall Rating:
Average User Rating:
(based on 0 reviews)

Category:Genealogy Software (AKA Family Tree Software)

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Editor's ReviewCosts & FeaturesVideosUser Reviews

Mac Family Tree Review

by No1Reviews.com.

Editor's Star Ratings:

Photo and File Management:
Web Integration:
Ease of Use:
Ease of Installation:
Customer Support:
Value for Money:
Overall Star Rating:

Editor's Review:

Mac Family Tree from Synium is the only Mac specific genealogy software in this category. Although since Synium released their first version of Mac Family Tree, most of the best genealogy programmes have become Mac compatible, all Mac users will tell you that software fine tuned specifically for the Mac is almost always superior.

As such, Mac Family Tree 7 is specifically designed for the latest OS X Yosemite operating system, and this really shows. It is one of the fastest programmes we have reviewed, with no loading times or freezing whatsoever. Also, it boasts one of the slickest, intuitive user interfaces, something for which Mac users have very high standards.

However, as is the case regarding most Mac programmes, Mac Family Tree is on the expensive side. At $49.00 it costs almost double that of many of its competitors. Luckily, they do offer a free demo which allows you to check out Mac Family Tree before committing to a purchase. On the one hand, the demo does allow users to try out all the available features, which is great seeing as most free genealogy software is restricted in this sense.

On the other hand, however, users are not able to save nor print their work. This means that, while most free versions of other software in this category allow you to conduct limited research into your family history, this is not the case regarding Mac Family Tree.

We were also slightly disappointed to find that research produced during the demo trial cannot be exported to the full paid version of the software. This seems pretty unfair to us and appears to only serve to discourage purchases as potential customers will have to restart their research from scratch. We do hope Synium change this in the future.

If you do decide that Mac Family Tree is the software for you, all you have to do is download it from the App store. Again, it’s not surprising that purchase and software installation on a Mac could not be simpler. We were happy to see that this usability doesn’t let up, as Mac Family Tree Builder is consistently a pleasure to use from the word go.

We especially appreciated the synchronization and sharing tools on offer. Users can share their findings and collaborate via iCloud, Dropbox or by creating their own family tree websites. Collaboration is essential to all good genealogy research as almost all seasoned researchers will tell you that relying on nothing more than documentation will more often than not simply take you round in circles.

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We have also noticed many important updates and additions since we reviewed version 5 of Mac Family Tree. Notably, the sourcing tools have been upgraded bringing Mac Family Tree in line with genealogy industry standards. Moreover, we were particularly impressed by the Virtual Globe 2.0 upgrade which allows you to track the migratory routes of your ancestors easily and with incredible accuracy.

In conclusion, even though it’s more expensive than most other products in this category, due to it being custom made we recommend all Mac users consider Mac Family Tree. Although not as feature packed as some of its competitors, its speed and user interface cannot be beat. This is even more important for iPad and iPhone users to take into account.

Check out our #1 rated site instead!
Why not check out Family Tree Builder (by My Heritage), our top rated Genealogy Software and winner of our prestigious Gold Award! You can also check out our Top 10 Genealogy Software here!

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