
Free App To Check Mac Temperature

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Monitoring resources of your system is necessary. Knowing peaks of your system’s capabilities and limitations becomes lifesaver at several instances. It makes us utilize full potential of our system without damaging or overheating it. But there is not one, but many influencing factors which need to be monitored. We cannot even leave one amongst RAM usage, fan speed, CPU load, CPU temperature and many more! Leaving anyone of these may lead to overheating and it has potential to damage your system. But how do we monitor these? How adverse are the effects of CPU overheating? Are there CPU temperature monitor software for Windows 10 and even if there are, do we need them?

Do We Really Need CPU Temperature Monitor?

Jun 29, 2017  Maybe you’ve stopped hearing your fan altogether, even when you Mac feels hot. Either way, you should probably look into that. For that, we recommend an app called Macs Fan Control. This free program lets you see the temperature of all your Mac’s components, and the speed of your fans in RPM (rotations per minute.). Jul 11, 2011  iStats 2 – Free for Mac OS X 10.6.8 or lower iStat 3 – $16 for Mac OS X 10.7 We have talked about iStat 2 before as a great way to monitor system activity in the menubar, but if you tweak the settings and disable all the other stuff you can just display CPU temperatures as well.Clicking on the menubar item pulls down the menu you see up top, which shows off all the other temperature sensors. Temperature Gauge Pro is a well-designed application for the macOS platform created from the ground up to enable you to monitor the temperature of all heat sensors in your Mac. Moreover, Temperature Gauge Pro can be used to keep track and control the fan speeds, run diagnostics on faulty sensors. This free app to measure fever with pulse rate, based only on heart rate, can not provide a reliable result at 100% but only a rough estimate, so it is advisable to use a real thermometer.

Overheating may seem harmless, but it has adverse effects. To be specific, CPU houses several important parts of your system such a hard disk and motherboard. Heat can damage the components and thus to make sure nothing similar happens, CPU initiates shutdown as “fail-safe.” In a few cases, your entire system may shut down without warning, repercussions of which we need not specify! Thus, we need temperature monitoring software which guides us about the temperature.

Best CPU Temperature Monitor Software for Windows

Here is the list of a few CPU temp monitors which can be utilized. Read through them to know more!

1. Speccy

Also known as daily driver, this software can help you measure the temperature of the CPU. It supports both 32 and 64-bit computers. It has two versions, namely free and charge version. In the free version, you’ll be provided with advanced insight of your system. However, when you opt for paid version, this software will become your one-stop destination to know about your system’s health.


  • You can take screenshot using this software.
  • You get a detailed report about your system so that you can decide what should be done next.
  • It tells you real-time temperature of components.

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Free App To Check Mac Temperature

2. HWMonitor

HWMonitor keeps track of your system’s temperature and other components. It also accounts for the current incoming voltages so that you can monitor if excess current is being supplied. With this information, you can ensure that your machine is not in vulnerable to overheating or hardware failure. The best thing about this software is the simplicity. It lists out results in one go which makes this even more convenient.


  • This software is faster than others as claimed by the developers.
  • It is free and easier to use.
  • It supports and record log files.

3. SpeedFan

It does not just measure temperature of your CPU, but also keeps track of other things which contribute for proper functioning of your system. This is the best CPU Temperature Monitor Software For Windows users and particularly for beginners. Also, you need not be expert in understanding hardware of computer. Also, it provides you with much needed information about your system.


  • It has user-friendly interface with simple instructions.
  • This software depicts results in form of charts and visualized form which is easier to understand.
  • SpeedFan gives you swift results and this can almost any number of chips.

4. SIW

This one is a detailed program which guides you about the health of your system along with the CPU temperature. This program also monitors a few crucial chips and power supply in the unit! The only thing that you have to keep in mind before choosing this one is the specifications of your chip. If they don’t have sensor attached to it, this software won’t work!


  • You can determine fan speed of the CPU as well.
  • It gives you a detailed report about everything you need to know about your computer.
  • Using this, you can keep an eye on your virtual machines, sound devices, storage devices, ports, and other important parts as well.


Another software which has a secure position amongst the best CPU temperature monitor software for windows 10. It is special than others because it operates in sensor mode only! Both portable and installable version of this available for windows users! This gives out a detailed report about your system which can be used to improve the performance as well as lifetime of your system!


  • You don’t need any other additional app for operation of this!
  • Interface is designed keeping novice users in mind.
  • Real-time monitoring of components is available.

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6. Moo0 System Monitor Portable

This software has been recommended by experts because it provides real-time analysis report. The information thus obtained consists of thirty type of information including CPU health, memory status, network information and many others. It has some advanced features that are usually available in paid versions of a few software.


  • This is free to use and supports monitor instantly!
  • The interface is simple, user friendly and customizable.
  • While installation, series of pop-ups guide you so that you don’t have any trouble.

7. Game Assistant 2

Its basic function is as game software, but it proves equally helpful in determining other information as well. It is counted among a few best CPU temperature monitors for Windows 10 and reports about the RAM usage, current temperature of CPU, fan speed, etc. With this information, you can keep an eye on your system and monitor the level of exertion you are putting on your PC.


  • You can take screenshot of the result without any hassle.
  • This does not consume much of RAM.
  • It is equally helpful for experts and beginners.

8. Core Temp

As the name suggests, this is temperature monitor provides readings on temperature and voltage of your system. You can monitor the load on the CPU so that you can manage it accordingly. It is free to use and has simple interface which is helpful for all types of users. It does not cause your system to crash or hang! The best thing about this is that it shows some relevant information.


  • It supports Intel and AMD processors.
  • This collects report through digital thermal sensors.
  • It has alert systems that can shut down the procedure in case of overheats.

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9. GPU Temp

It is simple and easy to use program which can be used to monitor temperature of the CPU. It is counted among one of the best PC temperature monitor software because it can efficiently find out the temperature and voltage in the CPU. This information is very crucial for gamers as they can determine whether their game is causing an adverse effect on the system or not. It has several advanced features as well.


  • This software is user friendly and is designed for both beginners and gamers.
  • When compared to others on list, this is light weighted.
  • The temperature reported is already in “degree Celsius.”

Free Apps For Mac Computer

10. Open Hardware Monitor

It is open source software that can help us in determining temperature of CPU. Though the report often becomes a hard nut to crack for beginners, no tool can offer such detailed analysis. Once you have idea about the temperature of CPU, you can reduce the amount of workload so that it stays in optimal state for long!


  • It is free to use and share.
  • This one comes up with a very detailed report.
  • It has provision of exporting data as well.

11. AIDA64

Though paid, this software is worth investing in! This has several advanced features which might come handy to you. It does not analyze everything and give you an extremely detailed report, but it will present the most relevant details. This information is useful and understandable for a novice user as well.

Free app to check mac temperature app


  • It can perform stress test on your system to check stability.
  • This is compatible with a few advanced and new processors as well.
  • It has user-friendly interface designed for all types of users.

12. ASUS AI Suite

If you are someone who is using ASUS system, then you can keep all your worries regarding CPU temperature monitoring. This is a full-fledged software that is designed especially for ASUS products. This diagnoses your system in and out and lets you know about your system.


  • It has 4-way optimization to detect best settings.
  • The report is both statistical and graphical so that you can understand information easily.
  • It has all in one menu bar for convenience of users.

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13. CAM

It is a complete monitoring tool which allows you to know temperature of both CPU and GPU. All the internal programs of your PC can be monitored using this! Some general information such as temperature of fan, speed of network, information about storage, etc., which is not easily accessible can be found using this.


  • You can review the data on your system for abnormal activity.
  • It generates instant warning when components aren’t working as expected.
  • This software has FPS(Frames Per Second) tracking as well.

14. Real Temp

This software has been designed for single core, dual core, Quad Core and Core i7 processors. Thus, no matter which processor you have, this tool is a must have! The best thing about this software is that there is no need of installation. Also, it is compatible with Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 (32 & 64 bit). However, Pentium 4 processors aren’t supported! Free up mac memory space app.


  • It is both quick and accurate.
  • It can individually calibrate each core of CPU.
  • You can see the minimum and maximum temperature recorded on your CPU.

15. CPU Thermometer

This software has been popular among the users as it is pretty basic and delivers the information which is relevant and understandable for common folks. It is free to use and yet will provide you with every detail required. It is the best option for people who just need accurate information in compact form.

Free App To Check Mac Temperature App


  • It is minimalistic and easy to use.
  • You can customize the unit of temperature according to your preferences.
  • This is user friendly and extremely easy to use!

Macbook Temperature App

This is not an exhaustive list of CPU temperature monitor software for Windows, there are several more available. However, the best ones have been listed for you! Have we left an extraordinary tool? Do let us know in the comments section.

What Do You Think?

Apple Mac machines are very popular among passionate users. They offer many features for video editors, Business people, and students. Upon continuous usage, every machine will heat up, and even Mac’s too. If you are looking to find a way to check CPU temperature on Mac this tutorial will help you.

It is pretty easy to find CPU temperature on Mac using some tools. Unfortunately, Mac doesn’t have any native tools to check CPU temperature.

Check CPU Temperature on Mac Using Terminal

The terminal is like a command box for Mac users. If you are recently switched from Windows to Mac, this terminal command trick will help you to find out CPU temperature on Mac.

Follow the below steps to check your Mac CPU temperature using Terminal.

  1. First, download the source code from GitHub repository by clicking on the “Download” button.
  2. Now unzip the downloaded archive file and launch terminal. Now navigate to the unzipped downloaded file location.
  3. To run the app, type “./osx-cpu-temp.” to display the Mac CPU temperature.
  4. If you are inconvenient to read the temperature in the centigrade unit you can change it to Fahrenheit by below command.
    ./osx-cpu-temp -F
  5. To display temperature as Centigrade, enter the following command.
    ./osx-cpu-temp -C

If you want to check Mac temperature regularly, you have to always open terminal from “osx-cpu-temp” directory.

Checking Mac Temperature Using Monit App

Monit is a paid app available in the Mac app store. The app lets you monitor not only CPU temperature, but it also lets you track Memory, Disk usage, network stats and battery performance.

After installation, the app works like Notification bar on the right side of the screen. The user interface of the app is pretty detail and you can easily check your Mac CPU temperature.

Fanny Widget

Fanny is a free temperature monitoring app available for Mac. It is developed by Daniel Storm. The app is completely free and pretty useful for monitoring Mac CPU Fan current speed and target speed in RPM’s. The UI is pretty understandable and you can easily monitor the CPU temperature of your Mac from Notification or Menu Bar.