
Progressive Web App For Mac

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Use Twitter’s progressive web app on macOS for an official app-like experience. Imran Hussain May 24, 2018 1 Comment. In February 2018, Twitter decided to kill their app for Mac. They were already slow on updating it with new features so the news did not come across as a surprise. However, Twitter did not offer an alternative app. Jul 08, 2019  Progressive Web Apps offer some of the advantages of native mobile apps without forcing consumers to download the app from the Apple or Android app store. But there are downsides to PWAs. Retailers may find that the best course is to make use of both PWAs and native apps. Progressive Web Apps offer some of the advantages of native mobile apps without forcing consumers to download the app.

Google is committed to advancing racial equity for Black communities. See how.
  • Dec 05, 2019  Here’s how to install Twitter as a web app on your Mac. Twitter’s new Mac app was built using Catalyst, an Apple technology that makes it easy for developers to bring iPad apps to the Mac instead. That’s left the app a bit un-Mac-like and rough around the edges. Without resorting to a third-party app, you can use the Twitter web interface.
  • Apr 30, 2019  A Progressive Web App must deliver this reliable performance that users have come to expect from any installed experience. Progressive Web Apps can run in a browser tab, but are also installable. Bookmarking a site just adds a shortcut, but an installed Progressive Web App (PWA) looks and behaves like all of the other installed apps.
  • Progressive Web Apps can now be installed on Desktop like native apps. As PWA are fast, secure and sync in background - the PWA on Desktop will be a revolution in WWW and for applications. Here's a complete guide to know how to test PWA on Desktop.

We're in the process of restructuring our PWA training resources.

You can use the materials linked to from this page, but some of the content may be out of date.

We're still working on updating written materials, but check out our new codelabs and videos.

Open Developer Tools


To access Developer Tools ('DevTools') in Chrome, open a web page or web app in Google Chrome. Click the Chrome menu icon, and then select More Tools > Developer Tools.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut Control+Shift+I on Windows and Linux, or ⌘+alt+I on Mac (see the Keyboard and UI Shortcuts Reference). Alternatively, right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect.

On a Mac, you can also select View > Developer > Developer Tools in the Chrome menu bar at the top of the screen.

The DevTools window opens in your Chrome browser.


To open Developer Tools in Firefox, open a web page or web app in Firefox. Click the Menu icon in the browser toolbar, and then click Developer > Toggle Tools.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut Control+Shift+I on Windows and Linux, or ⌘ + alt + I on Mac (see the Keyboard Shortcuts Reference).

On Mac, you can also select __View __> __Web Developer __> Toggle Tools in the Firefox menu bar at the top of the screen.

The Toolbox window opens in your Firefox browser.


To launch Opera Dragonfly, open a web page or web app in Opera. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + I on Windows and Linux, or ⌘ + alt + I on Mac. Alternatively, you can target a specific element by right-clicking in the page and selecting 'Inspect Element'.

On a Mac, you can also select View > Show Developer Menu in the Opera menu bar at the top of the screen. Then select Developer > Developer Tools.

The Dragonfly window opens in your Opera browser.

Internet Explorer

To open Developer Tools in Internet Explorer, open a web page or web app in Internet Explorer. Press F12 or click Developer Tools from the Tools menu.


To start using Web Inspector in Safari, open a web page or web app in Safari. In the menu bar, select Safari > Preferences. Go to the Advanced pane and enable the 'Show Develop menu in menu bar' setting. In the menu bar, select Develop > Show Web Inspector.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut ⌘ + ⌥ + I.

The Web Inspector window opens in your Safari browser.

Open the console


To open the dedicated Console panel, either:

  • Press Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows / Linux) or ⌘ + ⌥ + J (Mac).
  • Open DevTools and select the Console panel.

See Using the Console for more information.


To open the Web Console, either:

  • Press Ctrl + Shift + K (Windows/Linux) or ⌘ + ⌥ + K (Mac).
  • From the Firefox menu (or Tools menu if you display the menu bar or are on Mac OS X), select __Developer > Web Console. __
  • Open the Toolbox and select the Console panel.

See Opening the Web Console for more information.


Open Dragonfly and select the Console panel.

Internet Explorer

Open Developer Tools and select the Console panel.


To open the Console, either:

  • Enable the Developer menu. From the menu bar, select Develop > Show Error Console.
  • Press ⌘ + ⌥ + C
  • Open the Web Inspector and select the Console panel.

Work with the network

View network requests


Open DevTools and select the Network panel. Requests are displayed in the Network panel's Requests Table. See Measure Resource Loading Times for more information.


Open the Toolbox and select the Network panel. See Network Monitor for more information.



See View Network Requests in Chrome.

Internet Explorer

Open Developer Tools, and then open the Network panel. See Network for more information.


Open the Web Inspector, and then open the Network panel.

Simulate offline behavior


Open DevTools and select the Network panel. Check the Offline checkbox. Check out Optimize Performance Under Varying Network Conditions for more information.


Click menu icon in the browser toolbar. Then click Developer > Work Offline.

On Mac, you can enable offline mode from the menu bar by clicking File > Work Offline.

Inspect the manifest


Open DevTools in Chrome. Click the Application panel, and then click Manifest in the navigation bar.

If your app has a manifest.json file, the options you have defined will be listed here.

You can test the add to homescreen feature from this pane. Click Add to homescreen. You should see an 'add this site to your shelf' message.

Interact with service workers in the browser

Inspect the service worker


Open DevTools in Chrome. Click the Application panel, and then click Service Workers in the navigation bar.

If a service worker is installed for the currently open page, you'll see it listed on this pane. For example, in the screenshot above there's a service worker installed for the scope of https://events.google.com/io2016/.


You can also view a list of all service workers by navigating to chrome://serviceworker-internals/ in your Chrome browser.


The about:debugging page provides an interface for interacting with Service Workers.

There are several different ways to open about:debugging:

  • On Mac, in the Tools > Web Developer menu, click Service Workers.
  • Click the Menu icon in the browser toolbar.

Then click the Developer icon and select Service Workers.

  • Enter 'about:debugging' in the Firefox URL bar and click Workers.

Unregister the service worker


Open the Service Workers pane in DevTools. Click Unregister next to the service worker.


Open the Workers page in about:debugging. Click Unregister next to the service worker scope.

Force update the service worker


There are several ways to force-update the service worker in Chrome:

It's compatible with a wide array of programs, and in addition to animating images, it can also perform minor tweaks to contrast, sharpening, smoothing, filters, and more. Graphics software for apple mac pc. JAlbum is the ultimate photo organizer, as it not only allows you to organize your photos and folders using simple drag-and-drop functionality, but it also creates thumbnails and HTML pages of your photos for easy online publishing. It also analyzes particles, angles, and paths.Scratch. The HTML pages to publish can be made to either export a gallery or a slide show. Every graphic designer requires an efficient way to keep all their photos and images organized.

  1. Refresh your app in the browser so the new service worker is recognized. Then hold Shift and click the Reload icon .
  2. Open the Service Workers pane in DevTools. Click Update. When the new service worker installs, click skipWaiting.
  1. To force the service worker to update automatically whenever you reload the page, check Update on reload.
  1. Unregister the service worker and refresh the app in the browser.


To update the service worker in Firefox, close all pages controlled by the service worker and then reopen them. The service worker only updates when there are no pages open in Firefox that are within its scope.

If you want to be absolutely certain (for testing reasons) that the service worker will update, you can unregister the service worker from the about:debugging page and refresh your app in the browser. The new service worker installs on page reload.

Note that unregistering the service worker will change the subscription object if you are working with Push Notifications. Be sure to use the new subscription object if you unregister the service worker.

Send simulated push notifications


Open the Service Workers pane in DevTools. Click Push to ping the service worker.


Navigate to about:debugging in Firefox and select Workers. Click Push. If the worker isn't running, you will see Start instead of Push. Click Start to start the service worker, then click Push.

Check notification permissions


Click the Information icon in the URL bar. Use the Notifications dropdown menu to set the permission status for Notifications.


Click the Information icon in the URL bar. Use the Receive Notifications dropdown menu to set the permission status for notifications.

Inspect cache storage

Check the service worker cache


Open DevTools and select the Application panel. In the navigation bar click Cache Storage to see a list of caches. Click a specific cache to see the resources it contains.


Open the Toolbox and click the Settings icon to open Settings. Under Default Firefox Developer Tools, check Storage.

Open the Storage panel and expand the Cache Storage node. Select a cache to see its contents.

See the MDN article on the Storage Inspector for more information.

Clear the service worker cache


Go to Cache Storage in DevTools. In the Application panel, expand Cache Storage. Right-click the cache name and then select Delete.


Go to Cache Storage in DevTools. In the Storage panel, expand Cache Storage and the appropriate domain. Right-click the cache name and then select Delete All.

Check IndexedDB


Progressive web app for mac computer

Progressive Web App Example

In DevTools, navigate to the Application tab. Select IndexedDB. You may need to click Reload to update the contents.


Open the Toolbox and click the Settings icon to open Settings. Under __Default Firefox Developer Tools, __check Storage.

Open the Storage panel and expand the IndexedDB node. Select a database, object store, or index to see its contents.

Clear IndexedDB

In all browsers that support IndexedDB, you can delete a database by entering the following in the console:


Where database_name is the name of the database to delete.


Open IndexedDB in DevTools. In the navigation pane, expand IndexedDB, right-click the object store to clear, and then click Clear.

Disable HTTP Cache


Open DevTools and open the Network panel. Check the Disable cache checkbox.


Open the Toolbox and click the Settings icon to open the Settings. Under Advanced settings, select Disable HTTP Cache.

Simulate mobile devices

Each browser has it's own version of device simulation and testing. See the documentation for each:

These tools give you a close approximation as to how your site will look on a mobile device, but to get the full picture you should always test your site on real devices. Here is documentation for debugging Android devices on Chrome and Firefox.

Further reading





Internet Explorer

Progressive Web Apps might be a huge deal in the future, but right now, many of the sites and services we want to use in this way simply aren’t available. Recently, though, Google Drive made its debut as a Progressive Web App (PWA).

Spotted by Android Police, Google Drive has recently added support for being a Progressive Web App. As a PWA, Drive can be “installed” on computers and other devices. Installing a PWA has your PC, Mac, or Chromebook treat that site more like a native app.

For Drive, this means you won’t see the address bar at the top of the page. There are no tabs and everything just looks more like a native app. This is good news for those who have been opposed to Drive’s web experience as, with this change, it feels more like installed programs on Windows and Mac. On Chromebooks, it’s also handy for docking.

Unfortunately, this isn’t a complete experience yet. Apps like Docs and Sheets within Drive still open up those editors in your browser. Eventually, Google will probably get these services to the point of working completely in PWAs, but it’s not time just yet.

Notably, Google Drive’s PWA can also be installed on Android smartphones through Chrome, but the experience there isn’t nearly as good as the standard Drive app.

Some other notable PWAs from Google include YouTube Music, Stadia, Photos, Messages, and others. Spotify, Pinterest, and Trivago are also good examples of PWAs.

More on Google Drive:

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