
Simple Net Core Web App Mac

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  2. Simple Net Core Web App Mac Download
  3. Web App Fifa 18

Asp Net Core Web App

In this 5-10 minute introduction to how to use Visual Studio, you'll create a simple 'Hello World' web app by using an ASP.NET project template and the C# programming language.

  • Blazor apps are composed of reusable web UI components implemented using C#, HTML, and CSS. Both client and server code is written in C#, allowing you to share code and libraries. Blazor is a feature of ASP.NET, the popular web development framework that extends the.NET developer platform with tools and libraries for building web apps.
  • Create ASP.NET MVC Application. In this section, we will create a new MVC web application using Visual Studio and understand the basic building blocks of the ASP.NET MVC Application. We are going to use ASP.NET MVC v5.2, and Visual Studio 2017 community edition, and.NET Framework 4.6 to create our first MVC application.
  • It's extremely easy to start with: Just created a Pages folder in your ASP.NET Core app and start adding.cshtml files to it. Each page is essentially a URL, and you can put arbitrary HTML in it, then add any C# you want for server logic.

This tutorial shows how to develop a simple web application using Visual Studio for Mac. We’ll go through how to create and debug an ASP.NET Core web application using C#.

Before you begin

Install Visual Studio

If you haven't already installed Visual Studio, go to the Visual Studio downloads page to install it for free.

If you haven't already installed Visual Studio, go to the Visual Studio downloads page to install it for free.

Choose your theme (optional)

This quickstart tutorial includes screenshots that use the dark theme. If you aren't using the dark theme but would like to, see the Personalize the Visual Studio IDE and Editor page to learn how.

Create a project

To start, you'll create an ASP.NET Core web application project. The project type comes with all template files to create a web app, before you've even added anything!

  1. Open Visual Studio 2017.

  2. From the top menu bar, choose File > New > Project.

  3. In the left pane of the New Project dialog box, expand Visual C#, and then choose .NET Core. In the middle pane, choose ASP.NET Core Web Application.
    Then, name your file HelloWorld and choose OK.


    If you don't see the .NET Core project template category, choose the Open Visual Studio Installer link in the left pane. (Depending on your display settings, you might have to scroll to see it.)

    The Visual Studio Installer launches. Choose the ASP.NET and web development workload, and then choose Modify.

    (You might have to close Visual Studio before you can continue installing the new workload.)

  4. In the New ASP.NET Core Web Application dialog box, select ASP.NET Core 2.1 from the top drop-down menu. Next, choose Web Application, and then choose OK.


    If you don't see ASP.NET Core 2.1, make sure that you are running the most recent release of Visual Studio. For more information about how to update your installation, see the Update Visual Studio to the most recent release page.

Soon after, Visual Studio opens your project file.

  1. Open Visual Studio.

  2. On the start window, choose Create a new project.

  3. On the Create a new project window, enter or type ASP.NET in the search box. Next, choose C# from the Language list, and then choose Windows from the Platform list.

    After you apply the language and platform filters, choose the ASP.NET Core Web Application template, and then choose Next.


    If you do not see the ASP.NET Core Web Application template, you can install it from the Create a new project window. In the Not finding what you're looking for? message, choose the Install more tools and features link.

    Then, in the Visual Studio Installer, choose the ASP.NET and web development workload.

    After that, choose the Modify button in the Visual Studio Installer. You might be prompted to save your work; if so, do so. Next, choose Continue to install the workload. Then, return to step 2 in this 'Create a project' procedure.

  4. In the Configure your new project window, type or enter HelloWorld in the Project name box. Then, choose Create.

  5. In the Create a new ASP.NET Core Web Application window, verify that ASP.NET Core 3.0 appears in the top drop-down menu. Then, choose Web Application, which includes example Razor Pages. Next, choose Create.

    Visual Studio opens your new project.

Create and run the app

  1. In the Solution Explorer, expand the Pages folder, and then choose About.cshtml.

    This file corresponds to a page that's named About in the web app, which runs in a web browser.

    In the editor, you'll see HTML code for the 'additional information' area of the About page.

  2. Change the 'additional information' text to read 'Hello World!'.

  3. In the Solution Explorer, expand About.cshtml, and then choose About.cshtml.cs. (This file also corresponds with the About page in a web browser.)

    In the editor, you'll see C# code that includes text for the 'application description' area of the About page.

  4. Change the 'application description' message text to read 'What's my message?'.

  5. Choose IIS Express or press Ctrl+F5 to run the app and open it in a web browser.


    If you get an error message that says, Unable to connect to web server 'IIS Express', or an error message that mentions an SSL certificate, close Visual Studio. Next, open Visual Studio by using the Run as administrator option from the right-click context menu. Then, run the application again.

  6. In the web browser, verify that the About page includes your updated text.

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  7. Close the web browser.


Review your work

Simple Net Core Web App Mac Download

View the following animation to check the work that you completed in the previous section.

Congratulations on completing this Quickstart! We hope you learned a little bit about C#, ASP.NET Core, and the Visual Studio IDE (integrated development environment).

  1. In the Solution Explorer, expand the Pages folder, and then choose Index.cshtml.

    This file corresponds to a page that's named Home in the web app, which runs in a web browser.

    In the editor, you'll see HTML code for the text that appears on the Home page.

  2. Change the 'Welcome' text to read 'Hello World!'.

  3. Choose IIS Express or press Ctrl+F5 to run the app and open it in a web browser.


    If you get an error message that says, Unable to connect to web server 'IIS Express', or an error message that mentions an SSL certificate, close Visual Studio. Next, open Visual Studio by using the Run as administrator option from the right-click context menu. Then, run the application again.

  4. In the web browser, verify that the Home page includes your updated text.

  5. Close the web browser.

Next steps

Web App Fifa 18

To learn more, continue with the following tutorial:


See also