
Terminal.app Vim Colors Mac Bright Blue

Terminal.app Vim Colors Mac Bright Blue 5,0/5 6286 votes
Brighten the default blue in Terminal.app 12 comments Create New Account

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Mac Terminal Vim

hmmmm haven't tried this under osx yet, but (at least with bash) should be possible to modify over the $LS_COLORS environment variable.
type 'set' or 'echo $LS_COLORS' to check your values, and modify them accordingly.

That was my initial take on it as well, but I figured perhaps someone out there might get something out of this much more low-level modification ;-).
Does the low-level hack accomplish anything you couldn't do with $LS_COLORS?

I don't mean to sound like I'm flaming, but this is going to cause a lot of novice users grief, for something that's in the documentation.
I ask that when you submit tips, that you research thoroughly, especially when you're submitting hacks (don't get me wrong, hacks are cool).
Hex editing stuff is bad. Especially when the GNU ls documention plainly points to the dircolors stuff.
Just read the documentation (man ls & man dircolors, for those with the GNU ls installed).
RTFM, people.
Some links to check out:

As the author of this hack I have a few words to say in my defense:
1 - I purposely submitted this hack with no step-by-step directions: I hoped to scare away anyone who wasn't very comfortable with hex-editing and/or PowerPC assembly language.
2 - This hack is *not* the same as changing the dir colours, or modifying the colour map for vim, or wherever else colours are defined.
You see, there are 8 basic colours command line tools can display: black, white, red, green, blue, cyan, yellow and magenta. However, the terminal program (in this case 'Terminal') gets to decide what precise shade to use for those colours. By changing the dir colours, or other user-accessible preferences, the best you can do is tell all your software to never use the blue colour, leaving you with only 7 colours to pick from. I didn't want that!
So, I hacked Terminal to change its definition of 'blue'. It's only slightly brighter (0.2, 0.2, 1) vs. (0, 0, 0.8), but it allows me to use all 8 colours on my terminal (transparent black).
In deference to greygent: It *is* stupid, and it is dangerous. But I had fun tracking it down and I was pleased with the result. I hoped that at least one other 'hacker' out there might appreciate the info, so I submitted it here.
I'd be interested in hearing if anyone else out there was crazy enough to try it..

Mac Vim Color

Could you please clarify one some tidbit for me.. your using the GNU version of 'ls' from fileutils.. and not the apple version of 'ls' correct? …. Since (from what I know) only the GNU file utilities version of ‘ls' has color…. Correct me if I'm wrong please.

Yup. I got GNU ls using Fink, but there are other sources (follow the links above)..

I guess I don't see the point. All you need to do is go Terminal->Preferences.
Guess what? The background color is an option in the 'Text & Colors' screen.
Here is a step by step guide to changing colors..
1. Change the color in Terminal. Make sure to hit 'apply'
2. Quit terminal
3. Change the transparency in TinkerTool.
4. Open Teminal to the baby-blue goodness(?) of your transparent terminal.
Now, on the other hand, if you tracked down the bugs in Entourage..

<me> Insert foot in mouth. </me>I see what you did, you changed the text color of dark blue, as your terminal screen is black.

Man, he sure is getting a lot of flak for his hint! I, for one, understand the value of this. IF you install the fileutils with Fink, and IF you enable colors in the ls command, THEN you will find that the blue colored text in the ls output is worthless on anything other than a white background. The blue text is too dark. Unfortunately, you can't specify RGB values or anything similar in the LS_COLOR variable. If you can't change the color assignment, then change how the terminal presents 'blue.' For us geeks who want the perfect system, this is a good hint. A bit daunting to implement, though. Nice work.

I've tried it and it worked fine. One problem tough it didn't get as bright as I wanted, no real improvement. Would it not be possible to change the color to something like [0 1 1 1] to get a cyan color instead? I don't have all the stuff to figure out exactly how to change this, but shouldn't something like:
lfs f4,21784(r9)
fmr f3,f4
fmr f2,f3
fsubs f1,f2,f3
do this? Also would it not be nice if someone sat down and wrote a patch that did this 'automaticly'?

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I don't know if going with cyan would really be an 'improvement', if you just want cyan text, then you can simply remap the colours the way that greygent suggested.
It's true that the 'lighter' blue that I was able to achieve is still a little darker that is ideal. In my testing I found (0.3, 0.3, 1) to be better, but I couldn't find a way to calculate 0.3 in just 4 instructions (you can't increase the number of instructions without breaking the whole application.)
I also thought that it would be nice to be able to work out different colours for bold vs. normal text. It turns out that Terminal stores two colour objects, one for bold text, one for normal text, but then initializes them to the same value. You could use slightly different shades to indicate bold colours..
As for building a patch tool, I would only consider it if I could figure out a way to specify all colours explicitly. Anything less is just 'much ado about nothing'.. (Plus the patch would only work on one version of Terminal.app.)

I just finished a hack that adds a full color picker for all the ANSI colors in the Terminal.app. It solves this problem and lets you arbitrarily set any of the colors in the prefs file, or a .term file.