
Porting Ios App To Mac

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Jun 07, 2016  If Apple envisions the Mac and iOS experience as mostly similar, it’s very likely you could bundle a Mac app with your iOS one. If you’re porting an iOS app to OS X, it should just work. Sep 23, 2019  Building the iOS App for MacOS With Catalyst. We were eager to play with the new technology and as soon as it became available in Xcode 11 beta, we used it to build a native Mac app from our iOS client code-base. We presented it running on macOS Catalina beta at the ownCloud Conference and shared our learnings from this experiment. Jan 30, 2016  Submitting a Mac app to the App Store is similar to submission of an iOS app — meaning if you are not doing it every day, it can be confusing. The first problem I had was the bundle ID of my app was the same as the bundle ID of the iOS version of the app. Bundle IDs need to be unique across both the Mac and iOS versions of your apps.

Most application code can be categorized into one of the following areas:

  • User interface code (eg. windows and buttons)
  • 3rd party controls (eg. charts)
  • Business logic (eg. validation rules)
  • Local data storage and access
  • Web services and remote data access

For Windows Forms and WPF applications written with C# (or Visual Basic.NET)a surprising amount of the business logic, local data access, and web servicescode can be shared across platforms.

.NET Portability Analyzer

Visual Studio 2017 and later support the .NET Portability Analyzer (download for Windows) which can examine your existing applications and tell you how much code can be ported 'as is' to other platforms. You can learn more about it from this Channel 9 video.

There is also a command-line tool can be downloaded from Portability Analyzer on GitHub and used to provide the same reports.

'x% of my code is portable. What next?'

Hopefully the analyzer shows a large portion of your code is portable, but there's certainly going to be some parts of every app that cannot be moved to other platforms.

Different chunks of code will probably fall into one of these buckets, explained in more detail below:

  • Re-useable portable code
  • Code that requires changes
  • Code that isn't portable and requires a re-write

Re-useable portable code

.NET code that is written against APIs available on all platforms can betaken cross-platform unchanged. Ideally, you'll be able to move allthis code into a Portable Class Library, Shared Library, or .NET StandardLibrary and then test it within your existing app.

That shared library can then be added to application projects forother platforms (such as Android, iOS, macOS).

Code that requires changes

Some .NET APIs may not be available on all platforms. If these APIs exist in your code,you'll need to re-write those sections to use cross-platform APIs.

Examples of this include use of Reflection APIs that are available in.NET 4.6, but are not available on across all platforms.

After you've re-written the code using portable APIs, you should be ableto package that code in a shared library and test it within your existing app.

Porting Ios App To Mac Download

Code that isn't portable and requires a re-write

Examples of code that isn't likely to be cross-platform include:

Porting Ios App To Mac Free

Porting ios app to macos
  • User Interface – Windows Forms or WPF screens cannot be used inprojects on Android or iOS, for example. Your user-interface will need to bere-written, using this Controls Comparison as a reference.

    Where to find installed software location on mac Digital photo editing, sophisticated computer gaming, video streaming—all of these things are possible because of different types of software. Lesson 21: Installing Software on Your Mac/en/basic-computer-skills/installing-software-on-your-windows-pc/content/ Installing software on your MacYour computer allows you to do some really amazing things. Installing from a CD-ROMFrom the mid-1990s through the late 2000s, the most common way to get new software was to purchase a CD-ROM. You could then insert the disc, and the computer would walk you through through the installation.Now, almost all software has moved away from this model. Developers are always creating new software applications, which allow you to do even more with your computer.

  • Platform-specific storage - Code that relies on a platform-specifictechnology (such as a local SQL Server Express database). You'll need tore-write this using a cross-platform alternative (such as SQLite for the database engine).Some file system operations may also need to be adjusted, since UWPhas slightly different APIs to Android and iOS (eg. some filesystems are case-sensitive and others aren't).

  • 3rd party components – Check whether 3rd party components in yourapplications are available on other platforms. Some, such as non-visualNuGet packages, might be available but others (especially visual controls like chartsor media players)

Tips for making code portable

  • Dependency Injection – Provide different implementations foreach platform, and

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  • Layered approach – Whether MVVM, MVC, MVP, or some other pattern that helpsyou separate the portable code from the platform-specific code.

  • Messaging – You can use message passing in your code to de-couple interactionsbetween different parts of the application.

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Porting Ios App To Macos

  • Your porting questions, answered: Learn how to recompile your macOS app for Apple Silicon Macs and build universal apps that launch faster, have better performance, and support the future of the platform. We'll show you how Xcode makes it simple to build a universal macOS binary and go through running, debugging, and testing your app. Learn what changes to low-level code you might need to make, find out how to handle in-process and out-of-process plug-ins, and discover some useful tips for working with universal apps. We've designed this session for experienced macOS developers who want to get their existing apps running natively on Apple Silicon Macs. You can learn more about doing so in the Apple Silicon documentation. For more information on the transition to Apple Silicon, watch 'Explore the new system architecture of Apple Silicon Macs', 'Bring your Metal app to Apple Silicon Macs', and 'Optimize Metal Performance for Apple Silicon Macs'. And to learn how to run your iPhone and iPad apps on Mac, check out 'iPad and iPhone apps on Apple Silicon Macs'.


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