
Unity Mac Build Missing App File

Unity Mac Build Missing App File 4,6/5 2793 votes

If you don't intend on using the system keyboard in your application, our recommendation is to use D3D as your application will use slightly less memory and have a slightly faster launch time. If you are using the TouchScreenKeyboard API in your project to use the system keyboard, you need to export as XAML.

Build your projects with confidence using the powerful Unity platform you already know. You can build high-quality experiences, quickly, using your existing assets. The new DOTS Conversion Workflow allows you to work with Unity GameObjects as usual, and get great performance benefits at runtime.

Unity is the ultimate real-time 2D, 3D, AR, & VR development engine. Download Unity to start creating today and get access to the Unity platform and ecosystem. In Unity I build the app with the Mac Appstore Validation. Then I edit the info.plist, add the icons, create the entitlements-file (do all which was listed in several documents) and go to the terminal. There I type in the directory of the app. The PC, Mac & Linux Standalone build settings contain options you can use to set up and begin the build process for your application on these platforms. It contains settings to create development builds A development build includes debug symbols and enables the Profiler. For independent developers, Unity’s democratizing ecosystem smashes the time and cost barriers to creating uniquely beautiful games. They are using Unity to build a livelihood doing what they love: creating games that hook and delight players on any platform. Requirements: OS X 10.11+ 64-bit Intel.

How to export from Unity

Unity build settings

  1. When you are ready to export your project from Unity, open the File menu and select Build Settings..
  2. Click Add Open Scenes to add your scene to the build.
  3. In the Build Settings dialog, choose the following options to export for HoloLens:
    • Platform:Universal Windows Platform and be sure to select Switch Platform for your selection to take effect.
    • SDK:Universal 10.
    • UWP Build Type:D3D.
  4. Optional: Unity C# Projects: Checked.


Checking this box allows you to:

  • Debug your app in the Visual Studio remote debugger.
  • Edit scripts in the Unity C# project while using IntelliSense for WinRT APIs.
  1. From the Build Settings.. window, open Player Settings..
  2. Select the Settings for Universal Windows Platform tab.
  3. Expand the XR Settings group.
  4. In the XR Settings section, check the Virtual Reality Supported checkbox to add a new Virtual Reality Devices list and confirm 'Windows Mixed Reality' is listed as a supported device.
  5. Return to the Build Settings dialog.
  6. Select Build.
  7. In the Windows Explorer dialog that appears, create a new folder to hold Unity's build output. Generally, we name the folder 'App'.
  8. Select the newly created folder and click Select Folder.
  9. Once Unity has finished building, a Windows Explorer window will open to the project root directory. Navigate into the newly created folder.
  10. Open the generated Visual Studio solution file located inside this folder.

When to re-export from Unity

Checking the 'C# Projects' checkbox when exporting your app from Unity creates a Visual Studio solution that includes all your Unity script files. This allows you to iterate on your scripts without re-exporting from Unity. However, if you want to make changes to your project that aren't just changing the contents of scripts, you will need to re-export from Unity. Some examples of times you need to re-export from Unity are:

  • You add or remove assets in the Project tab.
  • You change any value in the Inspector tab.
  • You add or remove objects from the Hierarchy tab.
  • You change any Unity project settings

Building and deploying a Unity Visual Studio solution

The remainder of building and deploying apps happens in Visual Studio. You will need to specify a Unity build configuration. Unity's naming conventions may differ from what you're usually used to in Visual Studio:

DebugAll optimizations off and the profiler is enabled. Used to debug scripts.
MasterAll optimizations are turned on and the profiler is disabled. Used to submit apps to the Store.
ReleaseAll optimizations are turned on and the profiler is enabled. Used to evaluate app performance.

Note, the above list is a subset of the common triggers that will cause the Visual Studio project to need to be generated. In general, editing .cs files from within Visual Studio will not require the project to be regenerated from within Unity.


If you find that edits to your .cs files are not being recognized in your Visual Studio project, ensure that 'Unity C# Projects' is checked when you generate the VS project from Unity's Build menu.


In this section, you'll find solutions to common issues with Visual Studio Tools for Unity, descriptions of known issues, and learn how you can help improve Visual Studio Tools for Unity by reporting errors.

Troubleshooting the connection between Unity and Visual Studio

Confirm Editor Attaching is enabled

In the Unity Menu, select Edit > Preferences and then select the External Tools tab. Confirm that the Editor Attaching checkbox is enabled. For more information, see the Unity Preferences documentation.

Unable to attach

  • Try to temporarily disable your antivirus or create exclusion rules for both VS and Unity.
  • Try to temporarily disable your firewall or create rules for allowing TCP/UDP networking between VS and Unity.
  • Some programs, like Team Viewer, can interfere with process detection. You can try to temporarily stop any extra software to see if it changes something.
  • Do not rename the main Unity executable, as VSTU is only monitoring 'Unity.exe' processes.

Visual Studio crashes

This issue can be due to the Visual Studio MEF cache being corrupted.

Try removing the following folder to reset the MEF cache (close Visual Studio before doing this):

This should fix your issue. In case you are still experiencing the problem, run a Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio as Administrator and use the following command:

Visual Studio stops responding

Several Unity plugins like Parse, FMOD, UMP (Universal Media Player), ZFBrowser, or Embedded Browser are using native threads. It’s an issue when a plugin ends up attaching a native thread to the runtime, which then does blocking calls to the OS. This means Unity can't interrupt that thread for the debugger (or domain reload) and stop responding.

For FMOD, there is a workaround, you can pass FMOD_STUDIO_INIT_SYNCHRONOUS_UPDATE initialization flag to disable asynchronous processing and perform all processing on the main thread.

Incompatible project in Visual Studio

First, check that Visual Studio is set as your external script editor in Unity (Edit/Preferences/External Tools). Then check that the Visual Studio plugin is installed in Unity (Help/About must display a message like Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Unity is enabled at the bottom). Then check that the extension is properly installed in Visual Studio (Help/About).

Extra reloads, or Visual Studio losing all open windows

Be sure to never touch project files directly from an asset processor or any other tool. If you really need to manipulate the project file, we expose an API for that. Please check the Assembly references issues section.

If you experience extra reloads or if Visual Studio is losing all open Windows on reload, make sure that you have proper .NET targeting packs installed. Check the following section about frameworks for more information.

The debugger does not break on exceptions

When using the legacy Unity runtime (.NET 3.5 equivalent), the debugger will always break when an exception is unhandled (=outside a try/catch block). If the exception is handled, the debugger will use the Exception Settings Window to determine if a break is required or not.

With the new runtime (.NET 4.6 equivalent), Unity introduced a new way for managing user exceptions and as a result, all exceptions are seen as 'user-handled' even if they are outside a try/catch block. That's why you now need to explicitly check them in the Exception Settings Window if you want the debugger to break.

In the Exception Settings window (Debug > Windows > Exception Settings), expand the node for a category of exceptions (for example, Common Language Runtime Exceptions, meaning .NET exceptions), and select the check box for the specific exception you want to catch within that category (for example System.NullReferenceException). You can also select an entire category of exceptions.

On Windows, Visual Studio asks to download the Unity target framework

Visual Studio Tools for Unity requires the .NET framework 3.5, which isn't installed by default on Windows 8 or 10. To fix this issue, follow the instructions to download and install the .NET framework 3.5.

Unity Mac Build Missing App File Windows 10

When using the new Unity runtime, .NET targeting packs version 4.6 and 4.7.1 are also required. It is possible to use the VS2017 installer to quickly install them (modify your VS2017 installation, individual components, .NET category, select all 4.x targeting packs).

Assembly reference issues

If your project is complex reference-wise or if you want to better control this generation step, you can use our API for manipulating the generated project or solution content. You can also use response files in your Unity project and we'll process them.

Breakpoints with a warning

If Visual Studio is unable to find a source location for a specific breakpoint you will see a warning around your breakpoint. Check that the script you are using is properly loaded/used in the current Unity scene.

Breakpoints not hit

Check that the script you are using is properly loaded/used in the current Unity scene. Quit both Visual Studio and Unity then delete all generated files (*.csproj, *.sln) and the whole Library folder.

Unable to debug Android players

We use multicast for player detection (which is the default mechanism used by Unity), but after that we use a regular TCP connection to attach the debugger. The detection phase is the main issue for Android devices.

Wifi is versatile but super slow compared to USB because of latency. We saw a lack of proper multicast support for some routers or devices (Nexus series are well known for this).

USB is super-fast for debugging, and Visual Studio Tools for Unity is now able to detect USB devices, and talk to the adb server to properly forward ports for debugging.

Issues with Visual Studio 2015 and IntelliSense or code coloration

Try upgrading your Visual Studio 2015 to update 3.

Known issues

There are known issues in Visual Studio Tools for Unity that result from how the debugger interacts with Unity's older version of the C# compiler. We're working to help fix these problems, but you might experience the following issues in the meantime:

  • When debugging, Unity sometimes crashes.

  • When debugging, Unity sometimes freezes.

  • Stepping into and out of methods sometimes behaves incorrectly, especially in iterators or within switch statements.

Report errors

Please help us improve the quality of Visual Studio Tools for Unity by sending error reports when you experience crashing, freezes, or other errors. This helps us investigate and fix problems in Visual Studio Tools for Unity. Thank you!

How to report an error when Visual Studio freezes

There are reports that Visual Studio sometimes freezes when debugging with Visual Studio Tools for Unity, but we need more data to understand this problem. You can help us investigate by following the steps below.

To report that Visual Studio freezes while debugging with Visual Studio Tools for Unity

On Windows:

Unity Mac Build Support

  1. Open a new instance of Visual Studio.

  2. Open the Attach to Process dialog. In the new instance of Visual Studio, on the main menu, choose Debug, Attach to Process.

  3. Attach the debugger to the frozen instance of Visual Studio. In the Attach to Process dialog, select the frozen instance of Visual Studio from the Available Processes table, then choose the Attach button.

  4. Pause the Debugger. In the new instance of Visual Studio, on the main menu, choose Debug, Break All, or just press Ctrl+Alt+Break.

  5. Create a thread-dump. In the Command window, enter the following command and press Enter:

    You might need to make the Command window visible first. In Visual Studio, on the main menu, choose View, Other Windows, Command Window.

On Mac:

Unity Mac Build

  1. Open a terminal and get the PID of Visual Studio for Mac:

    Music production software for mac. You can even install the software on Windows 32 bit application.

  2. Launch the lldb debugger:

  3. Attach to the Visual Studio for Mac instance using the PID:

  4. Retrieve the stacktrace for all the threads:

Finally, send the thread-dump to [email protected], along with a description of what you were doing when Visual Studio became frozen.